automation manufacturing modeling simulation
Manufacturing & Automation

Modeling Simulation Software

Most simulation tools available on the market today provide an interface to allow for model creation, a simulation engine, and a post-simulation analysis tool. The user interface is setup as either a pure coding environment, or a visual interface that creates code in the background, either way, coding is required to do any type of useful modeling. After the code is built and compiled, the simulation engine would run for a set amount of time after which the user is presented with the data to be either animated or charted.

In contrast to the above, Dynamic simulation tools, like Simcad Pro, provide a completely new way of model simulation and interaction. The models are built using a graphical environment that DOES NOT GENERATE CODE, nor does it require the user to write code. In addition, Simcad Pro provides an optional coding environment in Visual Basic (similar to Microsoft Word, Excel...). After the model is built, the simulation engine runs interactively (or in the background with updates), and dynamically displays the generated animation, charts, data to the user as it is collected and computed. Moreover, and since there is no code interface to the engine, the user is able to modify the model dynamically during the simulation runs. For example, a process can have its capacity or buffer space modified during the simulation in order to analyze the impact on the simulation. Another example could be changing the speed and capacity of the conveyors during the simulation runs. Dynamic Simulation tools can play a major role in optimizing and improving any process based environment with ease and effectiveness that is unprecedented in this industry.


The dynamic environment offered only through Simcad Pro's patented technology, provides 4 main advantages over the static simulation tools:

  • Building the simulation model is done graphically, without the need to add code. All required parameters (queue wait, efficiency, utilization, resource wait, waiting for next, cycle time, lead time...) are dynamically calculated for every model created. This results in a large reduction in the time required to build a model, hence reducing the model development cost and increasing the overall ROI of the project.
  • The model can be tied into existing systems (RFID, ERP/MRP, routings, ordering, schedules...) that to constantly monitor and forecast the future of the operation in order to alert the operator to potential problems and bottlenecks that could occur in the future.
  • The model can be used as a dynamic training tool for managers and operators where the model behavior changes dynamically during the simulation based on the interaction with the user. In other words, the simulation environment becomes a tool to recreate scenarios and allow the operators to interact with the model in order to achieve the best response possible.
  • Optimization is easily controlled and "what-if" environments provide the most flexibility possible.
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation
Modeling flexibility
Basic features acting as building blocks which differentiate one system from another
Smart Module model building. Load the Smart Modules, connect the activities and the model is up and running
Ease of model development
Accuracy and speed of modeling process aiding smooth development of model
Dynamic Simulation provides unparalleled ease-of-use. Combining the model building, validation, analysis, and optimization activities in an interactive modeling environment drastically reduces time and cost
Model execution speed
Critical for complex models and various inter-linked, interdependent processes. Whilst small models may be simpler; larger models would require faster execution speeds
Simcad Pro supports both 32bit and 64bit operating systems and will utilize multiple processor cores to maximize the hardware capabilities and reduce the time required to run the models
Maximum model size
Critical when basing decision about increasing processes for future applications i.e. small models vs. large models
Simcad Pro has no limit to the model size. Additionally, models or units of the operation can remain independent and communicate with each other or, of course, can be loaded via Smart Modules in one larger model
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation
CAD translation
CAD translator aids conversion of drawings to systems in simulation preventing laying out large and complex models – saving time
Simcad Pro supports loading of CAD files not only to facilitate laying out large and complex models but also provides additional analysis from a patient and service provider flow perspective. Travel distances, delay due to travel reports, and optimization of the facility design, reduction of congestion, and routing analysis is integrated functionality
Importing a file
Capability of data like waiting-times, process times, service times to be extracted from imported files aids initial model development and future live-time modeling
Simcad Pro supports importing Visio, Excel, Access, SQL, Oracle, EMR/EHR, WMS, ERP XML, CSV, barcode, RFID, PLC ... as integrated functionality. No coding or scripting is required. Additionally, Simcad Pro's Dynamic Simulation capability supports live data import, as the simulation runs Simcad Pro can interact with one or all of the import data sources and the model will adjust accordingly
Exporting a file
Capability of developing a readable export file – excel/graphics
Simcad Pro supports exporting Visio, Excel, Access, SQL, Oracle, WMS, ERP, EMR/EHR, XML, CSV... as integrated functionality. No coding or scripting is required. Additionally, Simcad Pro's Dynamic Simulation capability supports live data export, as the simulation runs Simcad Pro can interact with one or all of the export data sources and the model will adjust accordingly
Possibility of visual inspection of syntax for correcting errors
As you create models in the Simcad Pro GUI no code is generated. This eliminates the need for visually inspecting syntax as there is no code to inspect
Interactive run controller
Capability to analyze, find errors, discrepancy and modeling errors
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation software is the only interactive modeling environment allowing the simulation model to be updated and changed during the simulation run. This Dynamic Simulation® capability is protected with multiple patents
Interface to other language
Other language capabilities – e.g. VISUAL BASIC
Simcad Pro has a fully integrated VB scripting engine is available and does include visual inspection, log messaging, automatic syntax validation, and debug mode. Upwards of 98% of models require no VB
Input data analysis capability
Importing Data into Simcad Pro will be analyzed and presented through graphs and reports that data can then be applied directly to the model as-is or as the analyzed distributions
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation
Run-time flexibility
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation software is the only interactive modeling environment allowing the simulation model to be updated and changed during the simulation run. This Dynamic Simulation® capability is protected with multiple patents
Random variate generator
Simcad Pro has integrated Random number generator functionality
Independent replications
Simcad Pro includes fully integrated Monte Carlo simulation capability as well as model validation analysis
Attributes and global variables
With Simcad Pro attributes and global variables or custom parameters can be assigned to any entity in the model. No coding is required
Custom logic representation
Internal programming capability
As you create models in the Simcad Pro GUI no code is generated. This eliminates the need for visually inspecting syntax as there is no code to inspect
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation
Standardized reports
Format and transferability i.e. email/ communication transfer of reports
Simcad Pro contains extensive integrated analysis. Reporting is provided in gauges, graphs, spreadsheets, scenario analysis, gantt chart, routing analysis, and value stream maps. All data is reported for every process, object, resource and for the overall model. Every data point is preserved for future analysis. No coding is required to access the data. All reports are available during, at the end, and well after the run is completed
Customized reports
Capability to extract tailored reports
In addition to the extensive integrated analysis Simcad Pro supports custom reports tailored to the specifics requirements of the model. All reports are available during, at the end, and well after the run is completed
Business graphics
Types of charts, graphs, histograms generated
Simcad Pro has multiple integrated gauges, graphs, histograms, gantt charts, spaghetti diagrams as data display components
Custom performance measures
e.g. resource utilization, category-wise resource/time spending etc
Simcad Pro can capture custom performance measures and make them available for reporting or through on-screen gauges/graphs. Resource utilization, category-wise resource/time spending etc are all included metrics that Simcad Pro provides automatically
Simcad Pro Dynamic Simulation
Animation capability
Ease of development, quality of picture, smoothness of movement, portability of remote viewing
Animation in Simcad Pro, in both 2D and 3D, is automatically generated and is 100% true-to-scale. Animation represents in real-time the status of the simulation engine. It is not a post-processed video of what might have happened but an accurate and real-time view of the simulation
Ease of use
Do we need a dedicated IT-trained professional to run the model once setup?
A dedicated IT professional is absolutely not required. Because Simcad Pro is not a wrapper around a code environment many different users with varying skill sets can take full advantage of the technology
Run-only version
Simcad Pro does include a run-only version as well as a movie capture feature and the capability to stream the model over the Web to remote viewers. In addition, "Simcad Cloud" can be used to share, view and collaborate on the models via an open web interface architecture running on the CreateASoft cloud
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