Simcad Health - Simulation Benefits in Healthcare

Optimize Healthcare with Simcad® Health

Simcad® Health provides advanced simulation and modeling solutions tailored to every element of your healthcare setting. Test and evaluate process improvement ideas in a risk-free virtual environment, ensuring patient flow remains uninterrupted.


Benefits of Simcad® Health

  • Validate Improvements:
    Prove and validate enhancements in the Emergency Department (ED), Operating Room (OR) Department, Radiology, labs, bed allocation, and internal supply chain.
  • Scenario Analysis:
    Play the “what-if” game by analyzing various scenarios and identifying the best changes to determine ROI and the optimal path forward.
  • Risk-Free Testing:
    Avoid the risk of implementing unproven ideas directly into patient flow.
  • 2D and 3D Animations:
    Utilize 2D and 3D animations to convey improvement ideas clearly.
  • Detailed Analytics:
    Generate detailed analytics and value stream mapping for accurate ROI calculation on each improvement.


3d healthcare simulation



With Simcad® Health, streamline your healthcare operations and ensure every process improvement is backed by solid data and analysis.


Optimize Patient Flow and Reduce Patient Wait Times with Healthcare Simulation

Enhance your healthcare operations by optimizing patient flow and reducing patient wait times with advanced simulation and modeling solutions.


Key Areas of Optimization

  • Bed Allocation Optimization:
    Improve strategies for optimal bed allocation.
  • Length-of-Stay (LOS) Analysis:
    Decrease patient length of stay through detailed analysis.
  • Staff Utilization, Scheduling, and Optimization:
    Enhance staff scheduling and utilization for maximum efficiency.
  • ED Department Capacity Planning:
    Optimize capacity planning for the Emergency Department.
  • OR Department Scheduling & Efficiency:
    Increase operating room efficiency through better scheduling.
  • Supply Chain Analysis and Optimization:
    Streamline internal supply chain processes.
  • Capacity Planning & Scheduling:
    Improve overall capacity planning and scheduling across departments.

Benefits of Healthcare Simulation

  • Reduction in LWBS (Left Without Being Seen):
    Lower the number of patients leaving without being seen.
  • Decrease Patient LOS:
    Reduce the length of stay for patients.
  • Decrease Patient Wait Times:
    Shorten patient wait times significantly.
  • Reduction in Hospital Expenditures:
    Minimize hospital costs through efficient resource management.
  • Mitigate Inter-Department Communication Delays:
    Improve communication between departments to avoid delays.
  • Optimize Bed Allocation Strategies:
    Ensure efficient use of bed resources.
  • Optimize Imaging, Labs, and Support Functions:
    Enhance the efficiency of imaging, labs, and other support functions.
  • Layout and Patient Flow Optimization:
    Improve room layouts and patient flow for maximum efficiency.
  • Minimize Delays Due to Transfer Availability:
    Reduce delays caused by transfer availability, elevator constraints,
  • Analyze and Minimize Travel Distances:
    Decrease distances traveled by patients and providers.
  • Improve Room Layout:
    Design room layouts for better efficiency.
  • Optimize Shared Equipment Locations:
    Strategically place shared and mobile equipment, supplies, and workstations.
  • Visualize Flow in 3D:
    Utilize 3D visualizations to understand and improve patient flow.

Value Stream Mapping and Operational Efficiency

  • Value Stream Maps:
    Create value stream maps based on model constraints to identify areas of improvement.
  • Operational Efficiency Optimization:
    Optimize scheduling, staffing, and operational efficiency.
  • Scheduling & Staffing Optimization:
    Enhance provider scheduling and assignments to meet department variability.
  • Capacity Analysis:
    Determine current capacity constraints and plan for future state, seasonality, and surge capacity needs.
  • Predictive Analytics:
    Use predictive analytics for better decision-making and planning.

Detailed Analysis for Improved Outcomes

  • Optimize OR Scheduling:
    Improve operating room scheduling for better utilization.
  • Improve Bed Location:
    Strategize the best locations for bed placement.
  • Optimize Clinic, Imaging, and Lab Scheduling:
    Enhance scheduling for clinics, imaging, and labs.
  • Internal Supply Chain Optimization:
    Analyze and improve the impact of supplies and medication delivery.
  • Optimize Main Store Room Design:
    Improve the design and layout of the main store room for efficiency.
  • Shared Equipment Storage:
    Optimize the storage and allocation of shared mobile equipment.


ROI healthcare simulation



VSM healthcare simulation


optimized suggested schedules


healthcare predictive analytics


ED simulation model

By leveraging these strategies, healthcare facilities can achieve significant improvements in patient flow, wait times, and overall operational efficiency.